Like Herding LOLcats: Managing the Internet's Most Unruly Gaming Communities [SOGS Business] | 03/06/2012 | 11:15 AM | 11:40 AM | Room 130, North Hall |
Knowing the Past: Game Education Needs Game History | 03/06/2012 | 1:45 PM | 2:45 PM | Room 2004, West Hall, 2nd Fl |
Game Educators Rant! | 03/06/2012 | 3:00 PM | 4:00 PM | Room 2004, West Hall, 2nd Fl |
More Than Fun: Designing Games With Purpose | 03/06/2012 | 4:30 PM | 4:55 PM | Room 2009, West Hall, 2nd Fl |
Interesting Decisions | 03/07/2012 | 11:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Room 3014, West Hall, 3rd Fl |
The Emotional Puppeteer: Uncovering the Musical Strings that Tie Our Hearts to Games | 03/07/2012 | 2:00 PM | 3:00 PM | Room 3010, West Hall, 3rd Fl |
Let the Games Be Games: Aesthetics, Instrumentalization & Game Design | 03/07/2012 | 3:30 PM | 4:30 PM | Room 134, North Hall |
Attention, Not Immersion: Making Your Games Better with Psychology and Playtesting, the Uncharted Way | 03/07/2012 | 5:00 PM | 6:10 PM | Room 134, North Hall |
Classic Game Postmortem: Fallout | 03/08/2012 | 10:00 AM | 11:00 AM | Room 3014, West Hall, 3rd Fl |
Build That Wall: Creating the Audio for Bastion | 03/08/2012 | 11:30 AM | 12:30 PM | Room 3010, West Hall, 3rd Fl |
It's Dangerous to Go Alone! Take this Historical Study with You: In-game Objects in Japanese RPGs, 1988-2010 | 03/08/2012 | 1:00 PM | 1:25 PM | Overlook 2, West Hall, 2nd Fl |
It's Dangerous to Go Alone! Take this Historical Study with You: In-game Objects in Japanese RPGs, 1988-2010 | 03/08/2012 | 1:35 PM | 2:00 PM | Overlook 2, West Hall, 2nd Fl |
The Art of Diablo 3 | 03/08/2012 | 2:30 PM | 3:30 PM | Room 3014, West Hall, 3rd Fl |
Enhancing Games with Clothing and Destruction (Presented by NVIDIA) | 03/08/2012 | 4:00 PM | 5:00 PM | Room 2011, West Hall, 2nd Fl |
Art History for Game Devs: In Praise of Abstraction | 03/08/2012 | 5:30 PM | 6:30 PM | Room 135, North Hall |