I am pleased to announce two new releases.

The limited edition 54mm (1:28 scale) Valkir Assault Trooper display model.
If you are a painter or a collector, this limited edition display model is for you.
Standing nearly 3" tall on the base, it will provide a wonderful canvas for you to showcase your skills.
This model is 1:28 (56mm) Scale
This kit includes a single Valkir Assault Trooper; a round 60mm base and two weapon choices. You can equip the trooper with an assault pistol or grenade launcher.
 MSRP $25.00


and the
15mm (1:100) scale Leviathan Capacitor Cooler.
This kit is NOT hot swap, you must choose to use this accessory at the time that you build the main kit.

15mm (1/100) scale Leviathan accessory, the Capacitor Cooler replaces the oil stacks on the back of the Leviathan Mortis and Crusader, allowing the machines a steadier flow of power but sacrificing the ability to overcharge the reactor.
MSRP $9.00
We also had a major restock on the 15mm scale Leviathan weapon arms....
Now on to the sale- Now until May 31st, select kits are up to 50% off!
I know... cray-cray right!?
When we took over distribution in October we took over the existing inventory for WGF, we were low on stock on some items and overstock on others. I have decided to equalize my stock levels and turn some of that into liquidity. Best way to do that is to move the overstock and pass a great deal to my customers.
I hope you enjoy the new releases and have a wonderful holiday!

Bimonthly Progress Report For My Twitch Channel, FuzzyJCats, March 2 To July 1

Twitch Channel FuzzyJCats

After a hiatus due to my friends being in hospital, when I came back to streaming, it finally dawned on me to not care about viewer numbers - at last! Even as I theoretically realize that ignoring numbers is a major solution to preventing burn out, there was always a part of me that cared, due to ego issues.

As a result, I was watching a lot of Twitch streams as that's the best way to grow numbers (i.e. networking = making friends), that it's caused migraines, not to mention, feeling imprisoned because I "have" to watch streams for numbers.

In other words, I was afraid to limit Twitch viewing as it may lead to decrease in numbers. However, during the period of time when I was visiting and supporting my friends, I didn't have time to watch Twitch, and despite this very sad period, I felt physically better due to lack of migraines.

When I came back to streaming, I had such a huge outpouring of support that I finally internalized deep down that it's my viewers who are the most important, not reaping numbers. Because of my viewers (and it can never be overstated, your viewers make your stream), I was able to internalize this completely. 

Indeed, one of the most deadly things you can do as a streamer is to take your audience for granted. Having all this support and love from my community make streaming worth it, and that certainly prevents burn-out. I must never forget how I felt when my community was there for me when I came back to streaming.

I'm not sure if my viewers noticed that I was more spontaneous and free during this time, but I felt like a burden was lifted from my shoulders. Indeed, you can ad lib more when you don't have to worry about turning off viewers. Although I enjoyed streaming before this revelation, my joy was constricted by worrying about concurrent viewers. Now, without my joy being choked off, I feel liberated while streaming.

Interestingly, since not being concerned about numbers, I noticed that I was able to stream just as well as ever. In fact, I may have been better at streaming since I had the same (or perhaps better) mental focus despite not exercising. Almost all of my past streams, I made sure to exercise. I think having this psychological freedom made streaming less taxing. When you're truly happy in what you're doing, in other words, you're able to be more effective.

It took almost a year to get to a place where I finally know and feel that numbers are irrelevant, and that's a breath of fresh air. In the meantime, I've come up with strats, a flowchart that I follow, that help guide my stream:

If there's someone commenting, stop everything and talk to the person (though remember what you were talking before that and continue that thought process).

Once talking to the person, if there's a pause in chat, go back to previous thought and complete the thought.

If there's no one there, comment on gaming action (why you did this, what you're going to do, how you feel about the cinematic cut scenes and the like), or tell interesting stories (more on that later)

Use load screens to catch up on chat and talk.

It gets rather stale talking about the same points (i.e. gaming action and streaming issues), so to improve content, discussing life experiences are key as you can fill dead air by telling stories. Talking about life experiences is material enough.

Further, these experiences don't have to be unique and exciting ones - often any common mishaps that you experience can be told very humorously. Making people laugh is one of the best forms of entertainment.

I never had reason to be a story teller, so being an entertaining story teller is a skill that I'll be working on. This is an entirely new and exciting new adventure that I'll be experiencing!

Progress made:
  • Truly not caring about concurrent viewer numbers (finally!).
  • Realizing that story telling can make streams more compelling.
  • Putting in scheduled vacations, and notifying community, to prevent burn-out.
Improvements to be made:
  • Be a better story teller.
  • Thank new viewers for stopping by stream (use chat log to review chat history) - I was consistent in past, but not currently.
  • Completing my thought processes and sentences (I have a tendency to do this IRL as well).
  • Get back into exercising and self-care.
  • The usual being able to chat and game at same time (this is not habit yet).
  • The usual decreasing filler words, vocal "tics" and the like.

Car Stealers, Web Series, Review And Interview

This is a fun twist on the criminal gang. They are out to steal cars that have been stolen so they can give them back. Along with the plot the lead has a super natural power with locks, making her ideal for the job. Here they end up facing an old nemesis.

I saw Car Stealers at the 2019 FilmQuest film festival (website). It was nominated for Best Web Series and Best Ensemble Cast

Car Stealers is a comedy for the light hearted moments.


A girl with a supernatural ability to pick locks joins "The Car Stealers," a group of ethical car thieves who steal back stolen cars.

What was the inspiration for Car Stealers?

Christopher Guerrero shares his inspiration for Car Stealers and why he is a filmmaker. He also talks about other projects and things he likes to do besides filming.

Eric T. Roth and I got together brainstormed about things everyone loves. Car and Heists. We also took a page from one of our favorite films Repo Man and decided to make our homage to that. As if it existed in the same universe, and asked ourselves what would be the reaction to someone who got their car taken from them by a Repo Manas a kid? This is that story.

What project(s) do you have coming up you're excited about?

I'm currently finishing up another festival run for a short called, White Guys Solve Sexism and we are currently looking for funding or a network to turn Car Stealers into a full series as we continue a long festival tour, next stop New Jersey.

I also just completed two short film scripts that I will be shooting in the next couple months, The Cuck: After being fired, a Drama teacher becomes an Alt-Right fanatic writing a play about a " Cuck", but he's too naive to see that the "Cuck" is in fact himself." Also Girl Afraid, which centers around a young Latinx woman in 2004 trying to get healthcare in Fresno.

After that, I have two features a Sci-Fi Epic called The Flight of the Transcendental, a Comedy/Action Film called You Can Call Me Al, and thriller/noir called Giant Sequoia.

What was your early inspiration for pursuing a career in film?

I remember it vividly, I was when I first saw Casablanca when I was 6 or 7. I told my parents, I'm gonna make stuff like that. Also, I don't see a lot of Latinx people in media and I'm gonna change that!

What would be your dream project?

In the projects I mentioned before, The Flight of the Transcendentalis my dream project, it combines all of my favorite things... music, comedy, sci-fi, and noir with a deep family emotional drama.

What are some of your favorite pastimes when not working on a movie?

Going to punk shows, BBQing, and making cookies. Also just plain doing nothing. It's the best!

What is one of your favorite movies and why?

The first one that comes to mind is Repo Man, I think mostly because I had never seen a film like it, and I haven't seen one since. It's raw, it's edgy and it's unapologetically campy and weird.

Movies aren't like that anymore, and also we need more angry punks in films. Let's get mad for once.

You can find out more about Car Stealers on

IMDb (link)
Their website (link)
Twitter (link)
Instagram (link)
Facebook (link)

You can also watch the trailer on Vimeo (link).

I'm working at keeping my material free of subscription charges by supplementing costs by being an Amazon Associate and having advertising appear. I earn a fee when people make purchases of qualified products from Amazon when they enter the site from a link on Guild Master Gaming and when people click on an ad. If you do either, thank you.

If you have a comment, suggestion, or critique please leave a comment here or send an email to

I have articles being published by others and you can find most of them on Guild Master Gaming on Facebookand Twitter(@GuildMstrGmng).

[HackRead] Blizzard Hit By Massive DDoS Attack; EA Sports Facing Lagging Issue

Blizzard hit by massive DDoS attack; EA Sports facing lagging issue

The Popularity Of Vivi

I was looking over a subreddit within the JRPG community thank showed the results of a poll of the most popular JRPG characters of all time.

In the results of that poll Vivi ranks as number 2. second to a character from a game I haven't played yet (Breath of Fire iv). Vivi is the highest rated FF character.

I found this really interesting. Vivi is definitely one of my favourite characters also, and I think it is for exactly the same reason. He is one of the only JRPG characters who shares us genuine anxieties and worries about death. He allows himself to actually sit with and dwell upon the mysteries reality of life coming to an end, he has an interiority that the gamer can relate to, but perhaps would never vocalise, would never admit to being able to relate to,

As Catholics, members of the one true Church, with the entire truth about reality, we want to help poor Vivi realise what awaits him after death, what awaits all those who have failed to be regenerated by grace, and all those who have been regenerated, those few who have persevered to the end as friends of God.

There was a beautiful comment on the review of FF9 by a reader-

"Vivis ending is also very sad. I wanted to go into the game and tell him all about Jesus."

That is certainly true, because the best the game can offer the reader is continuing existence through your offspring, having meaningful friendships while you are alive, living on in other people's memories..... basically the kind of stuff you get in humanist funerals.

What Our Lord and saviour offer is the full truth, heaven or hell and for eternity.

I am glad Vivi is the most popular character because it shows that there are so many individuals who, deep down, are worried about the eternal truths, they are worried about death, they are worried about who they really are and what purpose they are made for.

This is fantastic, it shows there are people who are preparing themselves to hear the Good News. Because Jesus Christ's message can only reach those who have got this degree of interiority, who aren't just chasing after pleasures but are genuinely seeking meaning, answers to the biggest questions. Vivi embodies that. Vivi doesn't get the answers, but we have them.

Episode 19: Top Faves With Dave Goes To The Library Is Live!

Episode 19: Top Faves with Dave goes to the Library.

We talk with Dave Tubbs about what novels inspire us to game.

The Veteran Wargamer is brought to you by King's Hobbies and Games.

Special Artizan Service Miniatures

Other companies we mentioned:
Sharpe's Rifles
Sharp Practice!

The Killer Angels
Regimental Fire and Fury

PicoArmor ACW

The Hobbit
GW LOTR/Hobbit

Song of Blades and Heroes


Iron Guard
Fifteen Hours

Warhammer 40,000

Honor Harrington

Full Thrust

Ad Astra Games Miniatures

For Whom the Bell Tolls

A World Aflame

Chain of Command

Flames of War partisans

Eisenhorn Triology

Rogue Stars

Shadow War Armageddon

Team Yankee
Red Storm Rising


PFC C-in-C

Baccus 6mm

Les Miserables
Three Musketeers

En Garde!


Pike and Shotte

Warlord Landsknechts

Hammer's Slammers

Hammer's Slammers Rules

15mm Slammers vehicles


Picoarmor SciFi

War and Peace

Among the Thugs
Blood Bowl


Conan Adventure Game

Copplestone 15mm Barbarians

Grenadier/Mirliton Barbarians

Music courtesy Recorded with Edited with Audacity. Make your town beautiful; get a haircut.

Ava In The End, Short Film, Review And Interview

What really happens after we die is a question that has plagued mankind for probably most of our existence. With the rise in technology there are all sort of new options being explored. Here writer Addison Heimann creates a story told by director Ursula Ellis of what some of that might be like.

Ava in the End was screened at the 2019 FilmQuest film festival (website). It was nominated for Best Sci-Fi Short, Best Director (Ursula Ellis), Best Actress (Elisa Gay).

There is some rough language in this short film, finding out you're dead can create some stress. But there is some fun presentation in this comedy/sci-fi.

Synopsis: After tripping over her dog and dying, a young woman wakes up in a virtual purgatory and waits for her mind to be downloaded into a new body.

Both Ursula Ellis and Addison Heimann share their inspiration for creating Ava in the End. They also talk about other work they are doing and what inspired them to become filmmakers. They have more about themselves like wanting to make a DnD movie.

What was the inspiration for Ava in the End?

AH: I'm completely terrified of death. If there was an option for me to live forever in the cloud, I totally would do it. Absolutely, hands down, no question. So, when the atomic scientists moved the clock to two-and-a-half minutes to midnight, I dreamt up a world in which, you know, it was possible to live forever. And then I got dark with it because I'm not into writing things with happy endings.

UE: In visualizing the world of the film, we were inspired of course by Black Mirror, but I also drew from films that vary tonally and stylistically like Ex Machina, Upstream Color, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and The Signal. Mayer\Leyva's short #PostModern was a huge influence on how much I realized we could evolve our tone/world as well—I saw it as part of the Eyeslicer shorts at Cucalorus in 2017 and became immediately obsessed.

What project(s) do you have coming up you're excited about?

AH: My web-series Kappa Force, about five sorority crime-fighters trying to destroy evil frat scum, will be released on the streaming platform REVRY October 27th. So look out for that!

UE: I recently released a couple of shorts online via NoBudge (This is Not a Love Song) and Seed&Spark (Crick in the Holler), both of which can be viewed on a device near you! But in terms of upcoming projects, I'm developing a few different shorts, features, and TV pilots, so we'll see which happens first!

What was your early inspiration for pursuing a career in film?

AH: Like every gay kid growing up in the early 2000s, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

UE: I grew up an only child and moved a lot due to my dad's military career, so I spent a lot of time making up stories to keep myself company. When my dad deployed to Iraq, film and television in particular became my constant companions, and I saw how they could be used to help people process difficulties in their own lives.

But in terms of specifically genre films, my dad took me to see Dungeons & Dragons(the movie) when I was 10 or so, and I was totally in awe of this whole other world that the filmmakers created, seemingly from nothing (but really from a whole storied lore… I didn't know all that then, though). This first translated into playing a lot of Baldur's Gate alone in my room, but I think it also paved the way for my interest in creating characters and worlds of my own.

What would be your dream project?

AH: It's my dream to be a TV showrunner, so if I could write some kind of long running sci-fi/action-fantasy/horror and have all my collaborators work on it—it would be the dream.

UE: Honestly, now that I think about it, I would love to make a Dungeons & Dragons film—my 10-year-old self would be thrilled, and I know Larian Studios is making Baldur's Gate 3 right now, so there's definitely some franchise potential… But more broadly, I'm interested equally in writing and directing for both film and TV, across genres and tones.

What are some of your favorite pastimes when not working on a movie?

AH: There are other pastimes?

UE: My background prior to filmmaking is in music, and I still play guitar, sing, and write the occasional song to stay sane, as well as reading and getting out into nature as much as I can.

What is one of your favorite movies and why?

AH: Spirited Awayis my absolute all-time favorite movie. The music, the characters, the whimsy! Oh the whimsy! It's the movie I watch when I'm having an absolutely terrible day and I need a pick-me-up. 10/10 would recommend.

UE: I have way too many favorite movies, but in the vein of Ava in the End, I absolutely loved the 2nd season of The OA (which is basically one super long movie). The character development is so strong, the twists and turns of the narrative feel consistently original and unexpected, and the sincerity and compassion at the show's core is a bit of a revelation in our increasingly sardonic world. I really hope they pull a Twin Peaks and at least make a feature film to continue exploring that story.

Here is our trailer/social media/website info as well, and I've attached a few stills!

You can find out more about Ava in the End on
  • IMDb (link)
  • Addison Heimann's webpage (link)
  • Ursula Ellis's webpage (link)

You can also watch the trailer on Vimeo (link).

I'm working at keeping my material free of subscription charges by supplementing costs by being an Amazon Associate and having advertising appear. I earn a fee when people make purchases of qualified products from Amazon when they enter the site from a link on Guild Master Gaming and when people click on an ad. If you do either, thank you.

If you have a comment, suggestion, or critique please leave a comment here or send an email to

I have articles being published by others and you can find most of them on Guild Master Gaming on Facebookand Twitter(@GuildMstrGmng).


Episode 33: Foam Board, Sharp Knives And More Is Live!

Episode 33: Foam board, sharp knives and more!

I talk about building terrain using humble foam board and a few simple tools.

Try Audible for FREE!

Housing joint what I incorrectly call tongue in groove in the Ep

Books and games weighing down the walls and floor of a space station module:

A photo from the archives showing a jig made of Lego bricks to keep everything nice and square and plumb:

Germy's Paper Buildings - Designed with gaming in mind:

Music courtesy of Keep your town beautiful, get a haircut.

Shining Spears And Other Euphemisms

The Falcon turrets are nearly ready for paint, in the meantime I've been working on the Shining Spears. The white and blue is finished on these guys, just the metal, gems and decals left to go.

Epic Eldar Shining Spears Epic Eldar Shining Spears Epic Eldar Shining Spears Epic Eldar Shining Spears


img - IESF 2020 Esports Referee Academy is underway

Such is the interest in International Esports Federation's Referee Course, that only days after IESF issued its request for member National Federations to submit candidates, nominations poured in.

Ramil Aliyev (President of Azerbaijan Cyber Sport Federation) has already called IESF's Referee Course sas a "beautiful opportunity", and Amanda Pakade (President of Mind Sports South Africa) has openly stated that the South African body is inundated with applicants who wish to attend.

IESF is only able to offer the referee course due to the continued support of  City of Busan and the Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency (BIPA).

For more information, please contact IESF through

[IACR] Job Posting: Postdoc

Job Posting: Postdoc

CX 2689, Kangaroo!

Today I'll be covering Atari's Kangaroo, a 1983 arcade port. It has a kangaroo in it, in case you were wondering. Two, actually. I hope you enjoy the episode. Coming up next is Stargunner by Telesys, a pretty rare game. If you have a great many thoughts on this game, please send them to me by end of day 4 November, and I will include it in the show. Please make sure you put your name in the file if you send an audio submission! Also, please consider donating to me or any of my friends that you see here who are doing Extra Life marathons (half marathons in my case), starting on November 3rd. Thank you for your generosity, and as always, for listening.

Please donate to my Extra Life campaign!
Sean's Extra Life page
Andrew's Extra Life page
Rick's Extra Life page
Bryce's Extra Life page
Kangaroo on KLOV
Kangaroo on Atari Protos
Kevin Osborn's Bald Wisdom blog
Kevin Osborn's YouTube page
May/June 1983 Atari Age ad for Kangaroo and Jungle Hunt
May/June 1983 AA Kangaroo New Cartridge Report
August 1983 Video Game Update newsletter - Kangaroo review (p. 67) and release date (p.80), from Atari Compendium
Mike Halley's Gravitar binder (scroll down to Memos, 1.1 and 1.2)
Arcade USA Ataricade 2600 - Kangaroo
No Swear Gamer 88 - Kangaroo
No Swear Gamer Kangaroo game play
Saturday Supercade - Kangaroo White Squirrel of Dover episode
Saturday Supercade - Kangaroo Tail of the Cowardly Lion episode

Google Is Hiding 'Coronavirus' Apps From The Play Store – And It'S Not Alone - TechRadar

Google is hiding 'coronavirus' apps from the Play Store – and it's not alone