Episode 33: Foam Board, Sharp Knives And More Is Live!

Episode 33: Foam board, sharp knives and more!

I talk about building terrain using humble foam board and a few simple tools.

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Housing joint what I incorrectly call tongue in groove in the Ep

Books and games weighing down the walls and floor of a space station module: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DQ-wTexV4AAPObR.jpg:large

A photo from the archives showing a jig made of Lego bricks to keep everything nice and square and plumb: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DUmrlbpWsAAwL1C.jpg

Germy's Paper Buildings - Designed with gaming in mind: http://www.germy.co.uk/fprpg.htm

Music courtesy of Bensound.com. Keep your town beautiful, get a haircut.